
78 Audio Reviews

34 w/ Responses

Quite amusing!

You say this is a chorus of your own voice!? This is very well coordinated and mixed! And it's kinda funny too.


I've never heard the orignal song of this remix but I must say it is very relaxing. After hearing this song the feeling of constant impending doom sligly disipated from my mind..nice. Tis rare for me to come across music that cures insanity, not provoke it...

DJ-SkiLLz responds:

hey thanks man
thats has to be one of the most interesting reviews i've ever had!!!

get a friggin metronome

before you start playing with unstable beats..first try to be ON BEAT!! I think it's just sad how badly you slaughtered this song. It has a good melody to it, but Trance is suposed to have a beat to it. It just sounds like you're just slamming keys on a keyboard. What I need for you to do is learn to count to 4, then try to acutally TIME your music to your counting. That is when you'll make some friggin' music. Once you get a sence of rythim, THEN you may start to put in some unstable beats. Or you could at least get some piano lessons. This really scuks!!

trekopep responds:

Hey, I DO take piano lessons. ;) I always turn off the metrenome when I'm making my songs. Don't ask me why. But I'll take your advise and use a friggin metronome next time. Also, I made that song in about an hour. Of course, that doesn't make it any better. But does it really deserve a 0?! I mean, you should at least change your aura if you're gonna do that. ;) I'll work at my songs for longer next time, add more instonments, use a metronome, a make a song that's ON BEAT. Thanks for your review. I'll take your advise. ^^

one too many beatz for a waltz!

It almost sounds like a waltz but it still has that 4th count beat into it. You provide the illuzion of a waltz like sound in the main melody, but a waltz is determined by a 3-beat count dude. Usually trance, dance, and techno music dosen't have the style to properly support a propper waltz..If ever you do create a 3-beat trance song I will absolutely LOVE to hear it!

X-Infinity-Zero responds:

like i said in the last review response in time i will take this song and try to make it a true waltz. u say it may be a challenge but hell im up for it. ill c what i can do.

This be not a waltz!

As for this song, it does sound nice, but I don't hear ANYWHERE in the peice a 3/3 beat...not even a 2/3 beat. This is not a waltz! It sounds like ballroom fancy dance music but a waltz must have a 3-count beat detected in the song. this is 2/2 at best if not 4/4.

X-Infinity-Zero responds:

hey dude its just a name calm down.

the song was originally supposed to be done only with a piano. it somehow evolved into what it is now. it had a trance feel with yet and elegant feel at the same time. so i wanted an elegant word in the title and waltz was the first one that came to mind.

im sorry if it wasnt what you thought it would be but its to late to change the name now.

i might try and turn it into a real waltz if i have time but i got some other songs to get done first.

so again im sorry if it was misleading.


Good trance music is hard to come by outside Europe and Japan...This really sounds great and joyful! It has a melody that's pleasant to the ears, and is acutally in sycronizion with the beat...unlike 87% of all American Trance music (coughchoughhackwhitepeoplecouchhack*). Speaking of the beat, you can feel it here without the aid of deep bass which is also a good sign for GOOD trance music.

aspachi responds:

it's always great to hear reviews from all of you! ^_^ i guess it wasa good idea to make an all trance song with no bass or whatsoever? i just threw in a bit of this and that and here you go.....PURE TRANCE!

pretty fast...

I gotta ask ya. What makes this Gospel Trance? Anyways it does sound okay as far trance music goes, but that instrament your using with the main melody and the way it reverbs make it sound unbalanced and creepy, and it also sounds off beat from the drum sound in the bacground. The Reverb from that high pitched sound is really killing the song. the timeing of the reverb doesn't exactly syncronize with the beat...it sounds like a dozen violens thrown into a wood chipper. Calm it down a bit.

DJ-DaVinster responds:

Thanks for the advice. :)

Not bad

Sounded nice, it had lot of "kick" to it but the music really didn't go anywhere from there you should diversify it some more.

nice but not trance

Well...it IS different, but it ain't Tance. It's just a collection of guitar and bass music not trance. one thing is there IS no strong sence of rythim and beat like Trance music ALWAYS does. There's allways some sort of thumpin' beat in trance one way or the other. That's some good quality music but it really is not trance. It's much like trying to make a sandwitch using pasta as the bread; it's not really a sandwitch but it is a good dish, that's what you did to this song.



afliXion responds:

If all else fails try puting on your headphones and listening. :-/

I'm just a guy who was crippled in an accident and now I draw things that may make you feel horny. I also draw things that might not make you horny. . . but that's all up to you.



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